A Better Approach to Talent Review & Succession Management (no more 9-box!)
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Instructor: Deb Calvert
Level: Senior, HR specific
Study time: 90 minutes
Bonus Resources
Exams: Quick Quiz
September 10, 2024
2:00-3:30pm Central time
The People First Leadership & Navigation Series for HR Professionals
2:00-3:30pm Central time
The People First Leadership & Navigation Series for HR Professionals
To enroll in the full 10-part series at a discounted rate, go to the Series Registration Page. This course stands alone or can be accessed as a total series. All participants will receive a Certificate of Completion.
NOTE: to receive SHRM recertification credits, participants must attend the full workshop which is only offered live. Attendance and time attended will be documented for SHRM recertification credits.
NOTE: to receive SHRM recertification credits, participants must attend the full workshop which is only offered live. Attendance and time attended will be documented for SHRM recertification credits.
Earn SHRM Recertification credits
People First Productivity Solutions is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP recertification activities.
There is a better way!
The 9-Box Model for Talent Review is antiquated and inherently flawed. Adopt a modern alternative for your organization.
Find out why so many organizations have abandoned the traditional 9-Box Model for Talent Review.
Build a better model that isn't fraught with issues related to unconscious bias, secrecy, and feelings of unfairness.
Establish clear criteria for HOW employees are to interact and behave professionally.
Get a blueprint for talent review and succession management that focuses on what & how people do their work.
Create transparency, fairness, and evidence-based evaluation of employee performance.
Earn recertification credits in the Leadership & Navigation BASK competency.
Learning Objectives
Reinforce company culture
Advance business goals
Focus on future needs
Unleash people potential
Upgrade your people practices
SHRM Competencies
Leadership & Navigation -- Vision: Identifies opportunities to improve HR operations that better align with and support the strategic vision of HR and the organization.
takeaway tool
Sample of Professional Standards that clearly define HOW work is to be done. This tool creates clarity and is the missing link in most appraisal processes.
Meet the instructor
Deb calvert
Deb Calvert is a former HR Director with a Fortune 500 company. She founded People First Productivity Solutions in 2005 and People First Leadership Academy in 2021. Deb is a frequent speaker for SHRM Chapter meetings. She is a Certified Master of The Leadership Challenge and an ICF-certified Executive Coach. Her clients count on Deb for support in building strong people practices.