Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & Other Secret Struggles

  • Author: Deb Calvert
  • Video time: 40 mins.
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Fear of exposure. Holding back. Not taking risks – even the little ones – because your confidence is shaky. The uncertainty, the feeling that you’re always skating on thin ice, the little voice in the back of your head… what would you be able to do if you didn’t have to battle these in the background?

The good news is that you’re not alone and that it doesn’t have to be this way!

find out how to recognize and overcome secret struggles like:

  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Self-Sabotage
  • Risk Aversion
  • Perfectionism Paradigm
  • Human Doing vs. Human Being
We’ll look at the research that explains these struggles, symptoms to help you recognize these tendencies in yourself and others, concrete steps for overcoming these struggles, and success stories from people who have moved past these struggles and closer to realizing their own potential.
Meet the instructor


Deb Calvert is a researcher, author, speaker and instructor specializing in boosting clarity, confidence and courage for leaders and teams. She founded People First Productivity Solutions in 2005 and People First Leadership Academy in 2021. Deb's newest book, DISCOVER Questions® for Connections, Clarity & Control, also provides insights on this topic.
Patrick Jones - Course author