An Introvert's Guide
to Business Meetings

Take time to develop opinions and to reflect on topics that matter most to you.
Promote awareness regarding the differences between introversion and extroversion preferences.
Focus on the positive outcomes.

This on-demand recording is for introverts and the people who work with them.

You'll learn how to avoid common meeting mistakes like calling on people before they've had a chance to fully form their opinion and response. You'll discover the value of adopting techniques that truly give everyone a chance to participate in the ways that are most comfortable and effective for them.

You'll also learn how to put placeholders in the conversation so it doesn't move on without your input. Because, introverts and extroverts alike have important ideas and insights to share... So long as they have an opportunity to do so!

What's included?

Identify if you have the characteristic of an introvert and discuss the differences between Extroverts and Introverts
Learn strategies, tips and preparations  in conducting a business meeting
Know the importance of
networking and its advantages