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Something New Everyone Needs from you Now: Sensemaking

Leadership competencies are evolving and people want leadership they can believe in more now than ever before in history.

This course we’ll introduce a leadership competency you’ve probably never heard of. In an Age of Infobesity (AKA information overload), this leadership skill is like a breath of fresh air. It will help every member of the team to get clarity, set priorities, make better decisions, and feel more in control even in chaotic times.

This presentation is a free, on-demand recording.
Meet the instructor


Deb Calvert is a researcher, author, speaker and instructor specializing in boosting clarity, confidence and courage for leaders and teams. She founded People First Productivity Solutions in 2005 and People First Leadership Academy in 2021. Deb's newest book, DISCOVER Questions® for Connections, Clarity & Control, also provides insights on this topic.
Patrick Jones - Course author