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Unconscious Bias

We've all got 'em. Our unconscious biases can interfere with our objectivity, our decision making, our relationships, and our personal effectiveness. 

But it doesn't have to be that way. In this LIVE, highly interactive webinar, we'll discuss the most common unconscious biases that derail careers, compromise quality, and impede performance. You'll get awareness and tools for recognizing your own (and others) unconscious biases.

Armed with this awareness, you'll be better equipped for problem solving, sorting through information overload, handling conflict, and much more. 

NOTE: This is NOT a course on equity and inclusion. While some of the content here may cross-apply, our emphasis in this workshop is on critical thinking and personal effectiveness.

This is a certificate course for all who attend the full session. 

Register today to attend this free workshop on November 19, 2024 from 11:00am--12:30pm CENTRAL TIME.
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